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A Licensed Professional Here to Guide You

Hello, I am Dr. Amanda McCreary. I graduated with a Masters of Arts in Clinical Psychology in 2010 and with a Doctorate of Psychology in Clinical Psychology in 2014 from the Michigan School of Professional Psychology, now just called the Michigan School of Psychology. My background is as a humanistic psychologist and I practice from the stance of working with each client and their unique set of life circumstances. My undergraduate degree was art education and it took me a while to wind up on the path that led me to where I am today. Just like my path, yours will be, and likely has been, winding with twists and turns along the way. My goal with each client is to help you navigate all of those twists, turns, and obstacles and find ways to enjoy your life now instead of waiting for what you think your life should be.

If you are someone who experiences depression, anxiety, panic attacks, women's issues, are a highly sensitive person, have an autoimmune disorder or other chronic illness, or you are a survivor of domestic abuse or childhood sexual abuse I think that I would likely be a good fit for you. I have also started working with adult women who have been diagnosed with ADHD, & have worked with a lot of women who were diagnosed later in life. I believe that anyone is capable of reducing their suffering and finding ways to enjoy their life even if everything is not exactly how they had planned. If you are interested in setting up an appointment with me, please contact me via email, or using the form on the contact page to discuss setting up an appointment. 

About : About Me

"People need people-for initial and for continued survival, for socialization, for the pursuit of satisfaction. No one-not the dying, not the outcast, not the mighty-transcends the need for human contact."

-Irvin Yalom

Child Psycholgist
About : Famous Quote
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